How many people thought "I am Legend" stunk?!

Question: how many of you did not like that movie?

Answers: how many of you did not like that movie?

I didn't think it "stunk"; but I DO think that it was only 2/3 of a great movie.

They started off on the right track, and were sticking very close to most of the things that made the original book great. But then they lost their nerve at the last minute and slapped on a Hollywood ending.

"I am Legend" is supposed to be a reverse monster movie. In the book, the vampires eventually figure out on their own a way to control their disease, and begin to slowly rebuild their society. But in the new vampire society, suddenly it is NEVILLE who is the monster -- he stalks them while they sleep, kidnapping their loved ones to use in his twisted (and invariably fatal) experiments. The whole bit with the "Alpha Dark Seeker" trying to get his mate back shows that they were TRYING to stick to that theme; and the way "Alpha" was aping Neville's behavior (right down to setting the snare and keeping the vampire dogs as pets) really underscored the fact that the vampires were still human.

But I'm guessing somebody flinched and said, "We can't have this movie ending with Neville realizing that HE has been the bad guy all along, capturing and murdering the vampires," so instead of having Anna and the kid being vampires who were spying on Neville (like in the book), they decided to play them "straight" and let Neville build his "legend" by sacrificing himself to give them the cure.

I thought that movie was great!!!

Its the best movie of the year! I hope it wins awards. You can tell they worked REALLY hard to make this movie.
People these days don't know what a GOOD movie is, they're used to watching boring fake movies.

Although I have not personally seen it, quite a few people didn't like the ending. (They seemed to like the rest of the movie though.) If you look at most sites they gave it about a "b" rating.
Overall, I'd say about 1/3 of the people who saw it did not like it.

It was good. I liked it.

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its the best movie EVER on my list and my list is big.
Are you crazy you should see it again ok. See ya

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