How much money did Rocky Balboa make?!

Question: Is there a website that tells you how much a film grossed even if it wasn't a Blockbuster?

Answers: Is there a website that tells you how much a film grossed even if it wasn't a Blockbuster?

it got $70,269,171 from just the US box office.
$155,593,697 from the worldwide box office. that's more than double! considerably better than what people actually predicted.
yeah does just that. I check to see if any movies are good there from box office hits and critics reviews before I buy the dvd. :D

Domestic Total Gross: $70,269,899
Worldwide: $155,593,697

every year he makes tons,,,,i never heard of a 60 + boxer....

Even if it was $10, it was WAY too much.

Why did Sylvester Stallone go and do that movie? He ruined my warm fuzzies for the original!

the movie or the character

yes go to they have all the movies!!

or equally go to


Happy Searching.

ps- Rocky made A LOOOOT OF CASH!!

i have no idea how much Rocky Balboa made as he wasn't a real person. oh you mean how much did "Rocky" the MOVIE gross. you're asking two separate things. IMDb.
The movie itself made $70,269,899

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