Did you like Grizzly Man?!

Question: I thought it was a good movie. Thought the guy was kinda a nut though.

Answers: I thought it was a good movie. Thought the guy was kinda a nut though.

A fascinating look at a man who wants to make a difference but has mental issues.

who is that? Never heard of him.

yes i thought his documentaries were pretty good but he was a nutjob. i wasnt surprized he was eaten by a bear because although others study them and devote their lives to research them but there so unpredictable. there is sound of him being attacked in his final moments in the cave but they dont show it on the video. it is kinda funny when he said this is the mother f***** right here and then he goes saying hes the champ i f****** beat you lol. oh and then when the fox steals his hat or something and then he responds if you lose that hat im gonna f***** explode lol

He was a nutcase! He got what was coming to him. He should have respected those bears, stayed his distance, and used the proper methods to keep himself and his girlfriend safe...but he didn't and look where it got him. He thought the bears liked him, was he wrong.

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