Some nutball sent me a piece of film, and I can't figure out what it is???!

Question: Some guy climbs into bed with another guy, and they start pawing and cooing on each other, then the guy who climbed into bed has a fit, explodes in a shower of blood, turns into a giant cockroach, says " long, dude!!", and climbs out the open window; after that, the second guy, covered in blood, screams his head off...

You gotta see it, to believe it; unfortunately, Yahoo Answers won't let me transfer it over, so that everyone else can see it. I'm hoping that someone can tell me what this is from...

Answers: Some guy climbs into bed with another guy, and they start pawing and cooing on each other, then the guy who climbed into bed has a fit, explodes in a shower of blood, turns into a giant cockroach, says " long, dude!!", and climbs out the open window; after that, the second guy, covered in blood, screams his head off...

You gotta see it, to believe it; unfortunately, Yahoo Answers won't let me transfer it over, so that everyone else can see it. I'm hoping that someone can tell me what this is from...

...why, that's the ending to director Gregg Araki's 1997 film, "Nowhere"...

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