Happy Halloween-CandyMan-who has seen this movie about Candyman and stuff and di!

Question: I remember watching this movie last year and getting so scared that I had to stop the movie and turn off the DVD player, and the part where the lady turns out lights and says candy man 5 times and he all of a sudden appears out of nowhere that part almost made me get a heart attack because you know the feeling you get in you, anyway did you do what I did,or did you watch the whole movie,
you can watch the movie for free here

Answers: I remember watching this movie last year and getting so scared that I had to stop the movie and turn off the DVD player, and the part where the lady turns out lights and says candy man 5 times and he all of a sudden appears out of nowhere that part almost made me get a heart attack because you know the feeling you get in you, anyway did you do what I did,or did you watch the whole movie,
you can watch the movie for free here

I've seen Candyman a couple of times but it never frighten me. My grandkids were all scared and slept in my bed for a week or so. It was so funny to me when they were affraid to look in the mirrors in the house. I heard Candyman was a true legend that happened there in Chicago in the Projects.

Candyman is very scary! I remember when I first saw it in the theatre I could barely stay in my seat!

...you might be interested to know that "Candyman" is an inspired derivitive of old urban legends, like the one about 'Bloody Mary' (...this is the one I grew up with), whereby if you stand in front of a mirror, in the dark, close your eyes and say her name, Bloody Mary, three times, and then open your eyes, she would appear behind you, decked out in a bloody wedding dress...

....at least, that's the version I grew up with; again, there have been numerous variations, over the years; check out some more information, below...

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