Did you find the exorcist scary?!

Question: When I watched it I walked out the room loads and then all that was on my mind for weeks was that film, It even gave me anxiety and I needed go on przac and see a phcycologist, how did you react when you watched the film?

Answers: When I watched it I walked out the room loads and then all that was on my mind for weeks was that film, It even gave me anxiety and I needed go on przac and see a phcycologist, how did you react when you watched the film?

what? exorcist? scary? lol

joke, sorry, some people find it scary because its apparently based on a real exorcism, and because of the rumors of the film set being sabotaged and/or cursed.

also you get people, who are very religious, Catholics, Christians etc, who believe in it very strongly, deeply, and view it as very real.

i personally found it quite funny though, in a cheesy 70s horror film way, good horror movie though.

i'd say my beliefs are Christian, never took that film that seriously though.

i was fine it could of been just because you had something you just never knew it intill you seen it

It is a very frightening film.

Up until that time,I would have to say that it WAS the scariest film I'd ever seen. It was scary beyond belief and I was grown up and feeling pretty silly,sleeping with the lights on that night!

yea i found it scary and had nightmares from it

I did think it was scary at first. After I watched it a couple times I thought it was funny. It still freaks me out that someone could seriously get posessed.

It's one of the scariest movies ever made. The only one scarier is Steel cause shaq can't act

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