Best sci-fi/fantasy tv series or movie?!

Question: Best sci-fi/fantasy tv series or movie!?
whats your favorite sci-fi/fantasy show of all time!. so many great ones, x-files, lost, star trek, dr!. who, lord of the rings, star wars, chronicles of narnia ect!.!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The Matrix
Star Wars
Chronicles of Narnia
Blade Runner
Total Recall
The Terminator
T2:Judgment Day
Children of Men
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Golden Compass
Independence Day
Starship Troopers
Spider Man

TV Shows:
Farscape (my favorite one)
BattleStar Galactica (NEW)(awesome show)
The X-Files
Bionic Woman(Original)
The 6 Million Dollar Man
Knight Rider
Wonder Woman
Dark Angel
Xena:Warrior Princess
Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
'Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

My favorite Sci-Fi movie of ALL time has to be Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope since it's the first Sci-Fi movie I can remember seeing and it has been my favorite the longest!. I must say that in some ways, I liked Episode V The Empire Strikes Back better though!. Yoda and Han Solo were great in that one!.

A close second would be a TV show Doctor Who!. Even the very early episodes back in the 60's with the wobbly sets, goofy costumes and low budget effects were fun to watch!. The stories had so much imagination, humor, kernals of truth and social commentary!. Some of the monsters actually scared me a bit when I watched it on PBS as a kid!. Some of the actors give great performances too!. Tom Baker was fantastic as the Doctor!. Did you know that Douglas Adams (of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fame) wrote a couple of stories for the show!? He did The Pirate Planet for one!. It is pretty funny and worth checking out even if you haven't seen any other episodes!. The new series is good too!. The sets, costumes and special effects are more big budget, yet the writers manage to keep the formula of old fashioned "gotcha" horror, campy humour mixed with drama and social commentary intact!. Christopher Eccelston and David Tennant both play the Doctor very well!. They are a bit darker humoured than previous regenerations but I still like watching them!. I wish they had kept Christopher a little longer, as I kind of like his Doctor better than David's!. Christopher did a better job of capturing the eccentricity and the mix of deep wisdom, righteous sense of justice and childishness that some of the earlier actors like Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell did!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well the top three I think are:
1!. star wars
2!. star trek
3!. lord of the rings

I think by money!.!.!. # 3, but by amount of shows and movies!.!.!.#2, but by popularity!.!.!. #1!. but like you said, there are sooo many to choose from!.!.!. it's a personal choice!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I watched,"The Sara Conner Chronicles" just to see if they'd keep to the original story and boy,did they deliver! Better in many ways than expected especially for tv!. It should be back next year and,if not,I'll yell Rape!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hmm, well i must say i love Lost, haha!.!.!.other favorites include The Dresden Files, Dead Like Me, Ghost Hunters, Star Wars, Narnia!.!.!.etc, etc haha =]Www@Enter-QA@Com


tv series- Quantum LeapWww@Enter-QA@Com

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