An Oprah Movie... She is the star?!

Question: An Oprah Movie!.!.!. She is the star!?
I need help with the name!.!. About a single mother living in the ghetto raising her kids!. I thought it was called "No Kids Live Here" but I guess I was wrong!.!.!. Help Please!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The imdb has a listing for this:


There Are No Children Here (1993) (TV)

An imdb user had the following comment:
With no help from a working father, a mother of five children is left alone to deal with the hardships and struggles of life in a bad neighborhood!.

Oprah Winfrey, as LaJoe, struggles to find a new place and to better the living for her children!. Soon she had gotten robbed by a fraud contractor, directing her to a new home address that don't exist!. Meanwhile, Lafayette follows the bad road!. He hangs out on the street and roles with his gang members!. Pharoah, the youngest brother, puts effort to getting good grades and stays out of trouble!. John Paul aka!. J!.P!., father of the children, loses his job and requests permission to stay with the family for a few days and trouble arises!.

I think the directors of this film had a great concept for this story!. Interesting story that takes place in a bad neighborhood!. I've watched it many times and I'll continue to watch it!.


The Women of Brewster Place!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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