Why dos Australia get High School Musical 3 the movie 2 months later than other !

Question: Why dos Australia get High School Musical 3 the movie 2 months later than other countries!?
im really unhappy about this, cuz we get HSM3 2 months later than the US!.!.!.in australia, its out on the 4th DEC, !.!.!.argh!.!.!.its really annoying!.
dos any1 know why there is such a big delay!?!?!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Because it is up to the cinemas (which are national like Birch Carrol and Coyal) when they wish to air the movies!. This year they have decided that HSM3 would be better left to screen in the school holidays as apposed to during the school term (plus they can make more money out of it during the holidays)Www@Enter-QA@Com

more to the point, why do we get TWILIGHT later!.
sniff!. have to wait till december

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