Will you listen to my band? I think you'll like us!?!

Question: Hi! My band is a unique kind of rock n roll! please check us out on our myspace n listen to a song or two! I'd really appreciate it if you let me know what you think =] also if you like our music feel free to add us *** your friend on myspace!


Answers: Hi! My band is a unique kind of rock n roll! please check us out on our myspace n listen to a song or two! I'd really appreciate it if you let me know what you think =] also if you like our music feel free to add us *** your friend on myspace!


Hi There,
From someone who has listened to rock music for over three decades I should know from which I speak. I will give you an A for effort. It seemed though your vocals were a bit forced, if one is to master this art form it must flow from and through you likened to a river. The reason why I say this when you look at a river and the way it flows, it carries itself by its own momentum I think it wise of you to not only listen but to watch some of the masters and the way they carry themselves while on stage and the way they perform, one good recommendation is to purchase a copy of Pink Floyd "Pulse Live". You will witness how Mr. David Gilmour, Mr. Nick Mason, Mr. Richard Wright, Mr. Guy Pratt, Mr. Bob Ezrin, and Mr. Jon Caron and the rest of their musicians carry themselves and conduct their concerts. They have a total and complete command of their stage, and they approach their work in a business-like manner. I know you are perhaps just starting out and you do show some potential and that is a good thing. Remember the river and the way it flows, it has a power and you can have it too. Try not to force it, it will come in time.

i love the guitar part and its cool
youre using the piano or whatever
but the singing sounds like a
dismotivated kurt cobain-its so
moany and slow, if you make
the singing sound more
energetic and satisfied
i think more people will
like it.
i really hope ive helped you-
good luck with the music!!!

yea dude just like listen to my band or somethings
and i will listen to yours too okokopkok


the music is great but im sorry i dont like the vocals

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