Who sings the r and b song from the 80s called "Stay with Me"? The lyr!

Question: Diana Ross, Karan Goran, Rod Stewart, Finch and Faces have all recorded songs titled "Stay With Me" There are countless songs called "Stay." There is a Song by Ne-Yo titled "Stay" that contains the lyrics: All I need is you. I did not notice a similar lyric in the other songs. You can google songs by these artist to check on lyrics. Diana Ross and Ne-Yo videos on Youtube.

Answers: Diana Ross, Karan Goran, Rod Stewart, Finch and Faces have all recorded songs titled "Stay With Me" There are countless songs called "Stay." There is a Song by Ne-Yo titled "Stay" that contains the lyrics: All I need is you. I did not notice a similar lyric in the other songs. You can google songs by these artist to check on lyrics. Diana Ross and Ne-Yo videos on Youtube.

google it

duran duran?i swear it's them i know the song,just not sure of the artist.it was a corny song but got the chicks

The only 80's songs I can think of are from Shakespear's Sister. Or earlier than that would be Rod Stewart. Neither of them are R & B.

Isley borthers
Backstreet boys

what are a few more words or phrases from the song?

try lyrics.com

patty ryan maybe. not sure.

i hoped i helped out at least some.

is it Don't leave (Stay) by Blackstreet?

I know NeYo sings the most recent version of this song. It was on his first album. Many thought it was about a woman, but it was really about music.

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