What happend to all the greatest r&b male groups such as Boyz II men and new edi!

Question: Man I been sitting here on youtube reminising and tears fell down because as I watched both of these groups music videos I wondered they used to be on the top of the game.

Answers: Man I been sitting here on youtube reminising and tears fell down because as I watched both of these groups music videos I wondered they used to be on the top of the game.

What happened to those groups were life events such as illnesses, addictions, loss of creativity, and age. Sure, there are those of us who still love them, but the main focus these days in music is how much of a decadent life style can they sell to the masses. It's really sad isn't it?

I think the same thing...music has gone down. Music has changed a lot.

gay groups or solo artists changed rnb now it sucks ***! like rihanna

I can identify with you. Boyz to Men just vanished over the years. Haven't heard much from them (mostly oldies). Same with New Edition. You sometimes hear songs from Bel, Biv and Devoe occasionally, but as we all know, Bobby Brown is all messed up now. Just a waste of talent. Maybe they'll have a comeback one day.

Boyz 2 men has a new album called Motown,also the Backstreetboys called Inconsolable,Take That also have one,Duran Duran too..

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