Classical music and requiem help please?!

Question: Alright, can anyone give me titles for similar requiems like Dies Irae and classical songs like Lux Aeterna (from Requiem for a Dream soundtrack). Or songs like Final Fantasy 7's One Winged Angel.

Anything that sounds totally epic and classical, thanks.

Answers: Alright, can anyone give me titles for similar requiems like Dies Irae and classical songs like Lux Aeterna (from Requiem for a Dream soundtrack). Or songs like Final Fantasy 7's One Winged Angel.

Anything that sounds totally epic and classical, thanks.

Berlioz Requiem. Totally awesome, always. So beautiful. Any movement you pick, or the whole piece.

Mozart's Requiem.
Beethoven Requiem.

Edited to reflect request : "epic"
For awe inspiring choral music; redemption, love, nature = Gustav Mahler:

Sym #2 subtitled "Resurrection" - the final mvt is all about redmption. Gigantic finale.
For mighty Prayer and Invocation, Mahler's 8th Sym, 1st mvt which is taken from an old chant. Awesome to meditate or pray to.
It's HUGE: 3 choirs and a symphony orchestra of near 100.

A traditional Requiem is a religious mass for the dead, usually sung in Latin. Probably the 4 best known ones are by Mozart, Brahms, Verdi, and Britten. Dies Irae is the name of one of the movements in a traditional requiem.

Check your local library for CDs of all 4 of those Requiems. I think you may find something you like about each of them.

My recommendation is Requiem by Karl Jenkins -Japanese haikus meet the hiphop rhythm of Dies Irae!!!

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