Beatles Song?!

Question: Which Beatles song is it where NONE of the Beatles played

Answers: Which Beatles song is it where NONE of the Beatles played

"Shes leaving home" from the Sgt. pepper album. here is a quote from the liner notes in my beatles box set "There is no beatles instrumentation on this recording, just 10 outside musicians recruited to play violins, violas,......." On Yesterday it does say paul plays acustic guitar, and on Elenor Rigby, it says "Paul was the only beatle featured", but doesnt say anything about if he played on it or not. I read all this from the liner notes inside the "beatles box set" i have.

I am the Walrus.
maybe... lol i don't really know; but i LOVE that song.

It was "Eleanor Rigby". This song was backed by a string quartet.

It's called "Eleanor Rigby".

I'm not 100% sure. Maybe "Yesterday" since it has a string quartet on it. My other guess is "Because."

I'm a huge Beatles fan and if you were trying to stump people with this question, you've succeeded with me.

Eleanor Rigby :

Revolution 9

"Eleanor Rigby" does not have a standard pop backing; none of the Beatles played instruments on it, though John Lennon and George Harrison did contribute harmony and backing vocals. Instead, McCartney used a string octet of studio musicians, composed of four violins, two cellos, and two violas all performing a score composed by producer George Martin. For the most part, the instruments "double up"—that is, they serve as two string quartets with two instruments playing each part in the quartet. Microphones were placed close to the instruments to produce a more vivid and raw sound. George Martin asked the musicians if they could play without vibrato and recorded two versions, one with and one without, the latter of which was used. McCartney's choice of a string backing may have been influenced by his interest in the composer Vivaldi. Lennon recalled in 1980 that "Eleanor Rigby" was:

"Paul's baby, and I helped with the education of the child ... The violin backing was Paul's idea. Jane Asher had turned him on to Vivaldi, and it was very good."
It has been widely reported that The Beatles were inspired to use violins after hearing Bernard Herrmann's string-heavy score for Fran?ois Truffaut's 1966 film Fahrenheit 451. However, given the fact that Fahrenheit 451 was released in November of 1966 and the Beatles finished recording the song in June of the same year, this is highly unlikely.

The octet was recorded on 28 April 1966 in Studio 2 at Abbey Road Studios and completed in Studio 3 on 29 April and on 6 June. Take 15 was selected as the master.

most boy bands don't play their own instruments!

true : Elanor Rigby

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