Do you crack up every time you hear 'some beach'?!

Question: It's by Blake Shelton! and i laugh everytime I hear it cause sometimes that exacly how I feel! lol

Answers: It's by Blake Shelton! and i laugh everytime I hear it cause sometimes that exacly how I feel! lol

yes i do here is the link all you have to do to get the link is go to youtube and then highlight the link with your mouse and then right click on the link and select copy then you go were you want to post it and right click again and select paste hope this helped you


no sorry

Yes, especially when he talks about going to the dentist.

let me see.... nope only cracked up 9/10 times

no... sorry.

naw but i like that song though i always sing it when i get drunk

hahahahahahah......... no ..... hahahahahah........ well maybe ......... lmao omg i'm busted

ABSOLUTELY! I think that song is so incredibly clever. Have from the first time I heard it. Everyone laughs at me at work when, if we are nailing and I miss, I say "Some Beach!". By now they all know what it is and where it is from but I just love that line.

yeah....and the video is even funnier

I dont get it

oh dear...

first you go to youtube, then you type in blake shelton some beach. here is what happens

are you still with me, my sweet friend...? and contact?....want my honest reaction? "Twas not a bad song, until our HERO began advocataing avoiding the use of dentistry...I believe that anyone who sings like that needs to see a dental professional on a regular basis---(((hugs))) Brian

Hilarious...I love It!!

A whole lotta 'sunny beaches'.

yer from kentucky too ain't ya.
yer possible cousin,joe c.

Yeah I do...esp since the patient in the Dentist office was his fiance (now wife) and the dude with the fancy car was one if his best friends..

I did before, but now it's old.

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