Can you be a famous singer like Miley Cyrus, (disney channel) with out being goo!

Question: Like I can kinda sing, but not that great, but could i be a famous singer?? cause like all mileys audiance is little kids who dont know what good singing voice is, all they care about is that she can act well and shes on tv?!!

I think it would be awesome to control a crowed and sing in front of them and they would all loveeee you lol...

Answers: Like I can kinda sing, but not that great, but could i be a famous singer?? cause like all mileys audiance is little kids who dont know what good singing voice is, all they care about is that she can act well and shes on tv?!!

I think it would be awesome to control a crowed and sing in front of them and they would all loveeee you lol...

Well yeah, they have computers for that kind of thing. Have you ever noticed how artists always sound different live as opposed to what they sound like on their record? When they're in the recording studio, the sound of their voices are improved through computers. You don't need talent to be a celebrity nowadays, just a lot money and connections to people in the business.

Yeah. They work on her voice in studios. She's a complete and totall fake. She lipsings. The only reason why she's Hannah Montana is because her dad is Billy Ray Cyrus and she can kinda sorta act. She has most definately had acting classes, cause every actor does. Best of luck

No you can't.

be honest. how can you be a singer- but not be good at singing?

Dear, you have no idea what is behind the songs you hear and all the special effects put into their production. Miley sells her personality and cuteness more than her singing voice. A lot of the singers today, male and female, don't have great voices with range and 'feeling.' Just don't think life is fair. If you have a decent and pleasant voice you could make a living singing regionally, at least, by the smart selection of songs you pick and the audience you market yourself to. The 8,9,10 & 11-year-olds may be gone but there's a lot left. Don't give up. And sometimes, when you're feeling lonely and sad, singing a good song to yourself and to your imagination can cheer you right up. GL 8~)

ps It wouldn't take much to out 'sexy' MC

No you will never be a famous singer. She is lucky. Her dad is famous. Sorry not unless you have a famous dad or can sing like Carrie Underwood, you wont become famous.

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