Do normal spoken words correlate to musical notes?!

Question: Do normal spoken words or syllables correlate to musical notes?

Answers: Do normal spoken words or syllables correlate to musical notes?

it's the art of the composer to take the normal inflection of speech ( which does have its own up-and-down sounds) and set it to music so that the music enhances the speech. We enjoy those works the most, because the music gives the text more emphasis. Someone who sets the words against the music isn't giving us what we want t o hear, literally and literarily. We don't enjoy that song as much.
You'll find evidence of both kinds in everday radio listening ( ir whatever else you happen to listen to) The odd syl-LA-ble that gets the wrong emphasis will pop out every time.
Yes, spoken speech ahs a melody of its own. It's not often charted, because it stays within a very narrow band.width of notes. If we scream or yell, of course, that's another story altogether. But if you sat at the piano and charted out your voice, you'd probably stay well within a small range. Different vowels have different pitches to them as well, with u being the lowest and i the highest.
there are a lot of reference works that deal with this subject, in addition to singing in general. they are not easy reads, but a wealth of information.
Dr. Robert T. Sataloff: Vocal Health an dPedagogy
Dr Johan Sundberg: The Science of the Singing Voice
Dr. William Vennard: Singing, The Mechanism and the Technic, and the most thorough Dr. Ralph Appelmann:
the Science of Vocal Pedagogy

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