Meatloaf or Black Sabbath??????!

Question: which does the love of my LIFE prefer? p.s. her names NOVA and shes Soooooooooo cute!!! lol

Answers: which does the love of my LIFE prefer? p.s. her names NOVA and shes Soooooooooo cute!!! lol

black sabbath def.


Meatloaf anyday!

Um, how would I know? Maybe Black Sabbath.

black sabbath. meatloaf is ehhh

Black Sabbath!
But you gotta love Meatloaf..especially his appearance in Rocky Horror Show hahaha. ..bless :)

Black Sabbath would probably make her question her interest in you


I will do anything for..........Meatloaf

well there kinda not comparable.
meatloaf is great if you like piano and guitar, its classic rock.
whereas black sabbath is metal.
so which does she prefer
classic rock or metal rock?
and then you have your answer
easier, just ask her !


black sabbath


Meatloaf of Course- who else could please NOVA Sooooooooo Much?, shes Sooooooooo Cute.Lol.

Meatloaf. Really w/ songs like "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" and "I Would Do Anything for Love" it's a no brainer. I'd bet my house on it that she prefers Meatloaf over Sabbath.

Besides Sabbath wasn't even that hardcore. Especially, when you put it in context of today's rockers. Ozzie's greatest song was probably "Mama, I'm Coming Home." It's a ballad for crying out loud. Additionally, he lost massive cool points after he signed on w/ MTV to do the Osbornes'. (Pop sell-out hack.)

Hey Jake.... You ever comin' back to replace Jay Cut-Soon? I'd really like to see the Bronco's win more than 2 games this season.

well, nova is a lemon of a car or a pbs show about the galaxy...i'd go w/ black sabbath...lot more material too..meatloaf had what...3 albums ?

Meatloaf or
OZZLESS Black Sabbath ( That is what I like..and nice girls think alike).


that's sabbath for sure!!!


Its got to be meatloaf.



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