Jonas Brothers tickets for August 7th Tweeter Center?!

Question: is there anyone out there selling two tickets to see the jonas brothers on august 7th at the tweeter center? i'll pay up to $180 a ticket for good seats!

Answers: is there anyone out there selling two tickets to see the jonas brothers on august 7th at the tweeter center? i'll pay up to $180 a ticket for good seats!

here is the gruvr concert page from the jonas brothers' myspace tracker map:

You can discuss the show and even ticket prices on that page.

Here is the gruvr tickets page for that show:

You can find plenty of seats of all kinds in all price ranges, the good ones are going fast tho.

If you can't find exactly what you want right now, here's a trick I use:

Basically, we buy lawn/General Admission tix right away, then I scout up good deals on gruvr .

The best deals start appearing a few days before the show as sellers drop their prices.

I got excellent seats (floor F) for Jonas in Boston and tix were selling for less than face value day of the show. I made a video of the whole process to show people how it really is possible to get sweet seats cheap, hopefully I'll post it on youtube soon.

On the other hand I wouldnt want to spoil your fun if you dont mind paying a bit more you can nab some very nice tix right now.

good luck!
If this helps you please tell friends... I answer this question way too much!

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