Imagine you are the politician in charge of culture in your country?!

Question: What policies would you put forward to ensure the return of great music in all situations? What would you put forward to ensure all youngsters learn about the greats of the past?

The reason i ask is because as a sixteen year old, i'm appaled by how many of my peers know so little about older music that is generally better than what we have today.

Make your suggestions as realistic or as radical as you like.

Answers: What policies would you put forward to ensure the return of great music in all situations? What would you put forward to ensure all youngsters learn about the greats of the past?

The reason i ask is because as a sixteen year old, i'm appaled by how many of my peers know so little about older music that is generally better than what we have today.

Make your suggestions as realistic or as radical as you like.

Here's what Id do if I had the resources:

- Make music/art lessons free. Kids could come and learn to play an instrument and form a band for free. It would increase the number of bands in the country straight away, and therefore increase the number of GOOD bands. They'd also have to learn music history about influential bands from the past.

- Fund more all ages musical events. In Australia, most big music festivals are sponsored by alcohol companies, and therefore, over 18 events. To get more kids in, Id sponsor more events for the younger kids, so they could come and see some great bands, and get interested in live music, instead of just downloading albums and not going to gigs.

- Scrap poker machines. Poker machines are what we call slot machines in Australia. MOST pubs in many of the states no longer put on live bands, because they dont have enough room to fit them in with all the poker machines they have. Id ban them so the pubs were forced to find another way to bring in people and therefore they'd have to put on more shows.

- Id give artists grants to young upcoming artists to cover their recording and touring costs. The government here already does that to a point, but Id expand it so that more bands were eligable. It would mean more locally produced and recorded music being made.

I'd do nothing - let people decide for themselves what music they like.

No, older music isn't 'better' than newer music. No type of music is any better than others.
Some people like it, some people don't.
Music taste is entirely subjective and I would see no reason to impose /my/ personal taste [because that's what it would come down to] on everyone else...

-waits for thumbs down-

+ Noble, but I did.
"I would see no reason to impose /my/ personal taste on everyone else" - I would do nothing. Most of my favourite bands are bands of 'the past' but I'm not so egotistical as to assume that my taste is somehow superior to the people that mostly enjoy newer music.

Interesting question...

*stars it*

I'd make all schools have a metalhead class...and it'd be REQUIRED! (Like math & language arts)

*mechanical laugh*

Props to you for being a youngin' and digging older music. A lot of teens nowadays just plain out suck...

Oh, I'm 17 myself, btw. >:)

Cinammon is right.

Im not going to bother giving you a proper answer because you were ignorant enough to say Older music is automatically better than newer music..

Its based upon taste.. not OLD IS GOLD.

I'd ban the X-factor and sack all Radio 1 djs and replace them with people who knew or cared about music.

I'd be a proper evil little dictator!

simon cowell would find himself in the tower

I would declare martial law on rap and hip hop.Penalties would be severe! 1st offense-3 yrs in the Marine Corps. Ted Nugent is the Minister of Defense so I don't think there will be any repeat offenders.

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