Make your own ALBUM title?!

Question: Here's the scoop...take a well known band/artist and creat an album title that would be something self-descriptive about the band itself or it's followers or on society. Like this...I'll choose

Joe Cocker - (not exactly Black Death Metal but an example)

An album he never released but would be understood...

"Music To Twitch By" So my answer would be:

Joe Cocker - Music To Twitch By

Alright, you have a go now...

Answers: Here's the scoop...take a well known band/artist and creat an album title that would be something self-descriptive about the band itself or it's followers or on society. Like this...I'll choose

Joe Cocker - (not exactly Black Death Metal but an example)

An album he never released but would be understood...

"Music To Twitch By" So my answer would be:

Joe Cocker - Music To Twitch By

Alright, you have a go now...

My Chemical Romance - Spandex and Black Liner For Life
AC/DC - Four Chords and Attitude....To Go
Fall Out Boy - Whatever It Takes To Sell Our Stuff
Don Henley - I'll Work With Anyone But They Just Don't Get It
Panic! At The Disco - The Longer The Title The More We Like It, But The Classic Rockers Will Laugh
Linda Ronstadt - How I Killed My Rock Career
Michael Jackson and R. Kelly - Junior High School Prom Nightmare
Daughtry - The Only One Who Isn't A Sellout From American Idol
Joe Cocker - You Wrote It And Aced It, I'll Sing It To Own It
Marilyn Manson - Picking Up Where Alice Cooper Left Off
Sinead O'Connor - Bald Attention Ho
Lil Wayne with every artist currently on rap charts - We All Suck

Nirvana- I Hate Myself and Want To Die

This was the title of one of their songs, and Kurt wanted to use this name for In Utero originally. It reflects a lot of the band's music.

Ok I see what you want.

Hannah Montana- I Have no Talent but my Daddy Had One Popular Song 100 Years Ago So That Somehow Qualifies Me to Be A Famous Popstar.

Blue Oyster Cult- Fear the Reaper

rockinfreakapotamus-red hot chili peppers

all of the "screamo" artists do a compilation album-all the good songs were taken so we scream and make up shitt and everyone loves it

MCR- The Kool-Aid Parade!

The Jonas Brothers- Abominations of the 21st Century!

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