What valve amp should I get?!

Question: What valve amp should I get!?
I have around 600 GBP to spend on a new amp and I have no clue which one to get!.
Here's the thing!.!.!. I love the look of Orange amps, and have watched a load of vids on youtube, and the sound is great, but have heard I can get better for my money!. I've also looked at the Fender Twin and apparently these are also very good!.
My plan at the moment is to get an Orange Rocker30 combo and get a one speaker extention cab in a month or two!.
Any advice would be great!

What type of sound are you looking for!?
Do you know how much power you need!?
Most guys today are happy to get 30-50 watts, and then mic it, if they have access to a good PA!. Makes it a lot easier to get the sound they want, without having to blow the doors off, when the don't want to!.

Fender has one of the best clean sounds out there, at a reasonable price, and you can always get a good distortion out a an amp that has a good clean sound!.
You can't always get a good distortion amp to sound good clean!. Fender Deluxe is usually a decent choice!.

Marshal and Orange do distortion well, if that's your main concern!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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