Does This Bother You as Much As It Bothers Me?!

Question: Does This Bother You as Much As It Bothers Me!?
Saturday I was in a department stores men’s clothing section when I heard two girls and two guys, in their late teens and early twenties, talking about a t-shirt!. One of the guys said “check out the Jimi Hendrix shirt”!. That was when I was thinking “I bet you couldn’t name 5 Hendrix songs”!. At the same I was time I was thinking that, one of the girls said she never heard of him!. The two guys started laughing at her for not knowing who Hendrix was!. That was when the girl asked the guys to name her a song!. One guy said he didn’t know any songs and the other guy said he would know one if he heard it!. I wanted to grab that shirt from that moron and take him to the music section and tell him to by the CD before he wears that f-ing shirt!. I didn’t do it but wanted to!. Do music posers bother you as much as they bother me!?

I know we have some younger people in this section who are not posers, but it seems like there are less of you than there are of them!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm with you!. Some kid was busting my 7 yr old about his Iron Maiden shirt in Guitar Center!. The kid goes I bet you can't name a Maiden song!. My son goes oh yeah!. Starts playing 2 Minutes to Midnight on the guitar!. That was a proud dad moment for sure!.

Antis it was sweet, he isn't the greatest but he plays it well enough to recognize!Www@Enter-QA@Com

As a 14 year old, I can say that stories like this make me embarressed to be a teenager (or nearly, I don't know if 14's called "teenager")!. I don't know what's worse, the guy wearing the shirt without knowing any Jimi songs, or the girl that didn't know who Jimi was in the first place! I'd go for the first idiot though!. I hate posers!Www@Enter-QA@Com

sam h:

Someone did that to me too! They were talking about the Offspring's "Splinter," which perked my interest and I started asking him questions, and he didn't even know that they had any albums before that! He had just heard them on the radio!.!.!. RRRRRR

It's so irritating!.
P!.S!. Ignition TOTALLY KICKS ***

OH, and to the OP, yes, it DOES bother me just as much as it bothers you!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeah it bothers me that much!. its trendy to wear a hendrix shirt but to know nothing of his music, or possibly one song!. theres posers all over the place!. they dont deserve all the great music we know and love anyway!.

dick, thats an awesome in your fcukin face moment!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

does this kind of relate to people intagonizing people bout there music!. because that pisses me off!. like ill b in school and out of nowhere sum stupid as kid will be like "u listen to rock!?" and i'll be like "!.!.!.yeah" and theyll start doing this retarded *** scream and headbang!.!.!.!.i just want to kick them in the f'in head grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrWww@Enter-QA@Com

Yeah!. Thats how many teenage Beatles fans are!. I saw someone wearing a Rise Against t shirt!. I am a bit of a RA fan so I asked what his favourite song was and just as I expected he replied Prayer of the Refugee!. I knew he was a GH poser!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

From what I've seen here in Britain, the situation isn't so bad, but whenever I see someone wearing the t-shirt of an older band, my first thought is always "Do you even know any of their songs!? Or any other than the 'hits'!?"!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I feel the same way, it bother me when people wear shirts with people on them and they have no clue who they even are, I hate trend followers!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

lol I feel the same way!. I hate when these rich dudes by 10 expensive guitars and have played a grand total of 3 times!. Hey kids, just go wear a hannah montana shirt!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes!! My friends do that all the time, either that or they don't like it until everyone else likes it- that reeeally bugs me!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I've seen this t-shirt trend thing w/ AC/DC, The Stones & even Rush!. A dollar for everytime I'd been tempted to ask these kids the same question!. "Name 5 songs"Www@Enter-QA@Com

I am RIGHT there with you, that's for sure!!!! I get sick of these trendy fools wearing metal and rock t-shirts, when you know they listen to rap!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

yes i agree cuz im 17 and when i buy band t- shirts its only bands i listen too like iron maiden black lable society, motorhead music like thatWww@Enter-QA@Com

Yes, it's pretty damn disgusting!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Something similar happened to me at a head shop a few years ago, maybe around 1985!. Some teens were flipping through posters when they came across one of Jimi at Woodstock!. One girl said to her friend, "who's that!?" The first girl responded with "I dunno"!. I looked over and said, "that's Jimi Hendrix"!. The second girl said, "I didn't know he was black"!.
I think that's the first time I really noticed a generation gap!. Keep in mind that this was pre- internet etc!.
These days with the net, I think you might be surprised just how many teens are very well informed/versed on many older bands back catalogs!. It's quite apparent even from many of the young people I've encountered right here in this forum that the ratio of music poser vs!. somebody who knows, has shifted from where it might have been prior the internet!.
When I was younger I might have been slightly bothered by "music posers"!. These days I think, "well hey!.!.!.at least they're interested", and sort of chuckle!.
I can think of a couple people answering this question right now that weren't even born when half of their favorite bands were in their glory!. At some point in time perhaps some of these people were just as guilty of being a music poser also!.
But thanks to the passing and sharing of information within R&P, and other sources!.!.!.they too are now in a position to make fun, or ridicule someone for being a poser if they so desire!.!.!.
That's what I find hilarious!.!.!.!.but hey, at least they're interested! LOL

*Edit - This is sort of funny, and it takes the term "music poser" to a whole new level!. My boss is in his early 80's!.!.!.his son is my age, and he bought Daddy a Pink Floyd 'Dark Side of the Moon' silk tie!. You'd see him wear it with his business suit periodically, but somehow I didn't think he was aware of it's significance!. I asked him if he was a Pink Floyd fan, and he said, "who!?" LOL
Here is a picture of the tie:

Rise Against are awesome! I am listening to Blood Red White & Blue right now!

I suck at song names, but when people always say the "popular" song you can guess they are just trying to look trendy!.

I think the Offspring have a lot of trend followers especially as they always like Conspiracy of One (which was rubbish), think Smash was their first album and one person told me I was spouting rubbish when I pointed out there were two albums before that and Ignition is a kicking album!

It's almost sad that they feel they have to like "cool" music!. I listen to what I like and am not afraid to admit that the next song on my shuffle was the Backstreet Boys (bit of a tempo change from RA LOL!)Www@Enter-QA@Com

I never understood the practice of rock star t-shirts being sold just at the department store!. They should be relegated to concert venues where you buy it as a promotional piece that goes to the band!.

That way, the only way to get an Iron Maiden T-Shirt or a Metallica T-Shirt is to have gone to a concert by the band!. That's the way it was back in the day!. It was a right of honour to own such a thing! Now you can buy any old thing at Hot Topic and never even know the band you are wearing!.

If they want a Hendrix experience they should buy a tie dye rather than a t-shirt, IMO!.

If you are going to enjoy something, do it authentically!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I fully agree with you
It sickens me that it is fashionable to wear band shirts now!. Band shirts among today's youth have been made to be the equivalent of wearing something from old navy or hollister, ITS JUST A NAME TO THEM, it doesnt mean a thing!. A Jimi Hendrix shirt to those kids was no different than them picking up any random shirt with a crappy label on it (ie the aforementioned hollister or old navy)!. They even sell the sh!t at walmart, I've seen numerous ACDC and Stones shirts at walfart!. It really sucks for someone who is really a Jimi fan (or even someone who isnt a fan but just respects him for the musician that he was) to see his name being used as a label for the ignorance of fashion hungry youth to gobble up!.


It's kids like that that make the rest of us look bad!. When I wear a Pink Floyd T-shirt, a lot of people make comments like "I bet $5 you can't name me 5 Pink Floyd songs" (too bad for them I know the entire Floyd catalog)!. It annoys me very much but I definitely see why it's happening!. The rocker "look" is now "in" but not the actual music!. So it makes you cool to have a Led Zeppelin shirt!.!.!. but it's beside the point if you even know any albums!. Kinda sad to see the whole bodies of art these people have worked so hard to create come down to a simple tshirt to look cool for a single teenager!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Holy crap, yeah! It might not bother me as much as it bothered you, as I wasn't there!.

It irritates me when people wear tee shirts that say "Rock N Roll" because I doubt they know the first thing about Rock N Roll!.
Someone I know has a Rolling Stones tee shirt, and she didn't even know who Paint It Black was by!

The thing is, is it's not that hard to listen to music, you can go to www!.playlist!.com www!.imeem!.com or www!.youtube!.com just to name a few and listen to music for FREE!. I don't get why people can't just walk the walk before they try and talk the talk!. I also wish people would look into the history of different genres of music, different bands, ect!. It's called Wikipedia for gods sake! It's NOT hard!! =(

But yeah those guys need to be slapped!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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