Are mixtapes becomming instrumental in the decline of record sales?!

Question: Are mixtapes becomming instrumental in the decline of record sales!?
No!. Mixtapes are a marketing scheme used to generate or maintain a buzz for an artist!. If anything they help to increase sales!. Downloading is the ONLY major factor in the decline of sales!.

EDIT: Allow me to use your beloved Atmosphere as an example!. They're up to #12 in their Sad Clown!.!.!. mixtape series correct!? It hasn't hurt their sales at all!.

EDIT 2: I'll also mention Lil Wayne!.

EDIT 3: LMAO @ your comment!. Sorry!.!.!.I didn't mean to give you an example that you could relate to!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Nope not at all!. The decline of record sales is mainly the fault of the record companies putting out crappy music that is not much better than many independent label music!.

The Internet has made it easier for small labels to get their music out there!.

It is easier to download music for free!.

Lastly, Radio is worse than it has ever been so there's not much incentive for labels to do better because they've lost their limited ability to catch rising trends!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

like what other ppl have already said, the mixtape is not to blame and has been around since the beginning!. the decline of record sales can be attributed primarily to bonehead moves by the record companies (who oversaturate the market w/ crap music), major corporations (jacking the people of their hard earned duckets), and idiots in congress/office (see world economy below)!. the internet has had a detrimental effect on sales as well, including digital downloads (such as itunes and other sites) and fans who download albums but never ever buy the music!. other major factors are the world economy, rising gas and food prices and the rising price of life in general!. less cash in the fan's pocket means less cash spent on music and on other forms of entertainment!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Absolutely not!. Mix tapes have been around since the beginning of hip hop, nothing new at all!!! The problem is that artists are putting out albums with one or two hits and there are unsigned artists or underground artists and labels that can now put out albums and sell them where they used to not be able to!. It is more of a "free" market!. People won't buy a CD for two songs, they'll download first!.!.!.!.!.lousy albums are the cause for the decline in record sales and all that goes back to artist and their management!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

The first DJ's to make mix tapes, were actually Disco DJ's!. With that being said, mixtapes have been around since the beginning of Hip-Hop and sales continued to grow all the way up to 2000!. So now, I don't think they have an affect!.

The internet is to blame!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

mechanical said it best!.!.!.!.!.

plus i feel for some underground artists it may be 1 of their only ways to get paid!.!.!.!.!. off their music since they are unsigned!.!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

That's why Mechanical is Mr E-Sexy 2008!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

*co signs with mech*Www@Enter-QA@Com

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