Is there a website that tells when these people are having concerts???!

Question: Is there a website that tells when these people are having concerts!?!?!?
Taylor Swift
Brad Paisley
Carrie Underwood

My 2 faves are Taylor and Brad so If you can't find Carrie that's fine!.

Well you can go to CMT!.!.and !.!. here let me just get it 4 u

taylor swift = http://www!.cmt!.com/artists/az/swift__tay!.!.!.

brad paisley = http://www!.cmt!.com/artists/az/paisley_br!.!.!.

carrie underwood = http://www!.cmt!.com/artists/az/underwood_!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

My favorite to check for concerts is pollstar!.com It's usually pretty comprehensive and updates pretty regularly!.

If you're looking for a specific artist though it's often best to check their individual websites!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

You can also go onto ticketmaster!.com!. If you type in the name of the artist, you can find out when their next concerts are!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I would imagine that they would have their own website and post this info thereWww@Enter-QA@Com


Try thier websites or cmt!.com!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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