What is the song Silent Lucidity by Queensryche about?!

Question: What is the song Silent Lucidity by Queensryche about!?
What do you think of that song!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

its a bit tough to explain!.!.ill try though!.!.

it talks abt the way a person gets troubled by the -ve thoughts!.!.it tells u that the whole life is just a dream!.!.just like how v wake up after a bad dream n realise it was a dream!.!.n the moment u realise that!.!.!.another dream starts!.!.!.thats the dream of life!.!.the chorus talks in abstract sense abt an angel like thing watching over the troubled person!.!.in 'silent lucidity'

its a bit more complex!.!.listen to the lyrics nicely!.!.maybe u can understand better!.!.

n yeah!.!.abt the song!.!.its good!.!.nice structure!.!.!.but i prefer their previous album!.!. Operation mindcrime!.!.that was ultimate!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I love that song, and I always guessed it had something to do with dreams being a way to live in a different world or something!. I don't really know though!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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