If you practice singing, do you get any better?!

Question: If you practice singing, do you get any better!?
I'm almost no good at singing!.
But I want to know if you
practice do you get better,
or is that made up!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes, practice will help you to develop your voice!. Your vocal chords are controlled by muscles and like any muscle, it will develop with practice!. You learn to control your breathing and the flow of air over the vocal chords!. You learn to listen to the sound of your voice to find the correct pitch and tone!. Your range will increase, higher highs and lower lows!.
That said, there is also a physical component!. Some people will simply have better voices because that is the way their bodies and made!. I have been singing all my life (56 yrs) and I have good pitch and volumn but my tone is annoying!. I have a harsh voice!. It is not mellow and soothing!. I don't have good voice for solos, and I never will!. I am good in groups where my voice can blend with the others as long as I am careful to soften my sound!. My harsh voice also has the ability to cut through other voices and be heard above all the others so if I am not careful, everyone will still hear me even though I am supposed to be blending!. Yes, I do still sing solos and people say it is good but when I listen to a recording, it does not have a pleasant tone to my ears!.
I can soften my tone by using the deeper breathing from the diaphragm and remember not to sing from my head!. It is still not as good as others and never will be but it is an improvement!.
So yes, you do get better with practice!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Depends on how you're practicing!.

Singing in the shower or car doesn't necessarily count, but it doesn't necessarily hurt, either!.

When you practice singing, do you listen to your own voice, and how it fits (or doesn't fit) with the rest of the music- other voices, accompaniment, etc!?

Do you have a decent ear!? In other words can you hear pitches or are you "tone deaf"!?( If I sing a pitch, can you copy it!?) If you're tone deaf, I don't really know what you can do to overcome that, but if you can hear pitches and can find a specific pitch with your voice, that can really come in handy when practicing!.

Listen to acapella pieces (barbershop is fun to try to follow) and follow along!. For on-your-own practicing, and improve your range!.

See if your church's choir will let you sit in on practices!. Just a thought!.

If you're in high school, take a choir class!. They won't kick you out if you can't carry a tune!.

Find a beginning voice teacher!. This may be a little more expensive, but if you're serious, it will help you improve your technique- yes, there is a right and wrong way to sing!.

Take a piano class!. Again, this will cost money, but if you're serious, it will help you get to know about written music- how to read it, and basic parts of music!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

If you practice anything your bound to get better!.

I had a teacher in grade school who told us that it is not just practice that makes perfect, its perfect practice that makes perfect!. If you're doing the wrong thing over and over then your just going to learn to do it wrong and be really good at being wrong!. So I'd suggest to you to practice with someone who knows what their talking about so that they can coach you along!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

If you do practice you could get better!Maybe , if you want, you can get a voice coach!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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