When I use a kapo on guitar how does it effect the key?!

Question: When I use a kapo on guitar how does it effect the key!?
We are starting a band in my church!. I play guitar and use a kapo on a few songs!. How can I help the piano & bass players adjust to this change!? Help me understand kapo use better!. Any helpful websites!? ThanksWww@Enter-QA@Com

Well it depends on which key you're playing in, and which fret you put the capo on!.

Basically each fret is a 1/2 interval, so like for C, since it goes
Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Whole - Half
To change the key to D, you would put the capo on the second fret (one whole step up)!.

But since there is only a half-step between B and C, you could put the capo on the 1st fret to change it to the key of C!.

Here is a kind of easy but effective solution:

Find the key you would normally be playing in on the line above (of course, I didn't write flats but for instance Db = C#) now whatever fret you put it on, count that many notes forward and that is what the key is changed to!. For example, say you're playing a song in D!. You put the capo on the 2nd fret and count up on the graph above, you get E, so that is your new key (obviously, you have to move your fingers up 2 frets too)!.

Bass player can use a capo or just move up the frets they play!. Piano can also move up one key (black and white keys) for each fret!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

All a capo does is the highten the tone of the music!.
The piano can be tuned up an octave when playing and the bass culd use a capo as well!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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