When your singing correctly will your stomach go in or out when you sing?!

Question: When your singing correctly will your stomach go in or out when you sing!?
As a voice major at WWU, I was trained that when you breathe correctly, you should feel as though you are "breathing from your toes!." You should be able to feel your stomach, ribs, and even your lower back expand!. As you sing, you shouldn't feel as though you are "holding your breath," but instead just letting go and allowing the sound to flow through you!. Music is an art, a sport and a science!. It is beautiful, and it should FEEL beautiful and easy!. If it hurts, or you become tired quickly, you are doing it wrong!. Let go and allow the sound to come out!. Tension in any part of your body is unnecessary and in fact detrimental to your performance!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

neither!. when i was taking vocal lessons i learned that the correct way to breathe was to fill your lungs without making your stomach move at all!. you should use you diaphram for support, but no movement should be visable!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Im not sure!. When I sing, between phrases I yes I breathe as to where my stomach moves, but its not a conscious thing!. Its just natural!. but when I sing, there is no movement, just support!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Your stomach goes out when breathing in and goes in when you're singing, but not all the way inWww@Enter-QA@Com

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