Disappointed in people answers. advice please?!

Question: Disappointed in people answers!. advice please!?
I was disapointed in your people answers to me before!. I have another idea what if I get my bro to call social services on my mother hes 13!. Three years younger then me and have him tell them what went down at mcdonalds throwing ketchup around and my mom flipping out on me!. Her calling me a baby telling me i needed a high chair and a bib and a diaper on!. I wanted to report her for abuse for saying those things maybe this is the best way of doing it!. How many of you would agree with that or should I let my mother of the hook for dissing me for no reason!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think you fail as a troll and a human being!. Congratulations!

"vicky you dont understand because your a girl and its a girl thing thats why your on my moms side not mine!. she ask the manager if he had diapers and high chairs and bibs for her tow babies meaning me and my bro !. how can that not be abuse!? no other mom would do that to there kids only mine would do something like that!.you wouldnt do that!? its not fair she said that!. It was only ketchup everything would have been cool if that stupid manager didnt comeover and said something!. The ppl in front of us would even have notice there was ketchup on there clothes!. she called us babies in front off ppl and some stupid mother came up to my mother in mcdonalds and told her she extra binkys and pampers in her car if she wanted them!. Its not fair i want to report my mom for abuse for saying those things you know!? It was only a purse we got ketchup on the lady said it was a coach it cost her 300 bucks!. she was crying over a purse!. plus people get paid to clean messes up im 16 not a baby "

Screw you and don't email me again!. You want to see real abuse!? Look at this:

A mother allowed her 15yr old daughter to be sexually abused in every way possible by 2 grown men!.

A woman killed her 3 year old sister and abused her 6 year old brother!.

A mother hit her teenage son on the head with a skateboard, then got into her car, hit him, and drove off!.

This man raped his girlfriend's 9 month old son and smothered him to death with a pillow!.

This mother let her 18 month old child starve to death because he wouldn't say "amen" at dinnertime!.

This woman took naked pictures of her 10yr old son with dirty underwear on his head and sent them to her friends, all because he had a toileting accident because the bathrooms were full!.

You think you're being abused!? You have no idea!. If you're a troll, you're not funny or cute!. You're disgusting!. If you're being truthful, which I doubt, but if you are then you're a spoiled little brat who deserves to be backhanded, not just publicly humiliated!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I don't know what to tell you!. One half of me I would, but another half, I wouldn't!.
Did the police have to come and escort your mom away or something!?
and the only time for me when I would call Social Services is when my mom is threatening me for death or beating me to the point of near death!. But she has never done that, just speaking hypothetically =]Www@Enter-QA@Com

As Vicky said so eloquently!.!.!.!.!.You're being a brat!. Let Your Mom offf the hook!? Son an Adult Policeman will see through Your silliness in about 10 seconds flat!. Save Yourself some major embarrassment and don't bother trying to pull any silly stunts!.

And I feel really sorry for Your Mom for having to put up with You!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

You call that ABUSE!? Being called a "baby"!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?
I'm calling you pathetic!. Gonna report me for abuse too!?

My advice: Be thankful that you have a mother, and GROW UP!.
And LEARN WHAT REAL CHILD ABUSE IS!. (See Vicky's answer!.)Www@Enter-QA@Com

Be happy you have a mom, brah!. My mom died a few months ago!. I'd much rather have her on earth calling me a baby instead of dead and in the ground, where she is unable to show her unconditional love toward my sister and I!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

you realize you can be taken from your mother till your 18 if you call and start reporting stuff!. just a thought to considerWww@Enter-QA@Com

tell your mom to give me a call so i can slap you around

Well, let me give you some things for you to think about"little man", or "woman" whatever you are!. First off, don't take up space that people who really need help could use!. You obviously have access to a computer, and as such, can figure out how to get on to this site to complain to people you don't even know which tells me you have used up all of the people you DO know!. So, it's painfully clear that things aren't as bad in the "House of You", as you make them out to be!. Second, McDonald's eh, wow, what a bad parent you must have to take you and the older one out!. Next, perhaps a little vacation from that Attica that you have to deal with might do both parties some good!. Remember, you don't get to pick your parent/s, and they don't get to pick you!. You can only cry wolf so many times before the towns people allow you to burn!. Pick and choose wisely grass-hopper!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

There are billions of things worse she could have done!. Is she an alcoholic that beats you on a regular basis and doesn't feed you!? No!? Then don't call Social Services on her!. Geeze!.

You're 16!. Learn to live with people calling you a baby!. If you have to, go sit in your room and cry about it afterward!. I've got a wonderful mom that does things worse than that to me!.!.!. you know, like making me do laundry, cook dinner, clean the house!.!.!. and a something only my closest friends know about!.!.!. I could easily call that child labor and abuse and call SS on her, but would I!? She buys my clothes, makes sure I'm clean and fed, and provides for me in so many ways!.

Learn to be appreciative of your mom!. And be mature at resturaunts, especially with your family!.

To me, it does sound like you're being a big, fat baby!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sorry dude, there's no justifiable reason to 'get back' at your mother for her calling you names and insulting you!. Why!? Because they're just words!. Only words!. If those words affect you so much, its your own fault!. She didn't physically hurt you, she just said words and those words happened to negatively affect you because that's how you took it!.

Look, if you were hurt from her words, then why didn't you just use words to hurt her!? I don't know you, and I don't know your mom!. I do know what a crazy parent is like (my mother in law can go from normal to nuts in 3!.5 seconds)!. If she really is going nuts for NO reason (i!.e!. you didn't provoke the situation), then just use logic on her!. Call her out and keep your calm and tell her what she's doing that is so crazy (but don't get nuts yourself)!. Granted, I use this on my mother in law and she gets even more pissed off because I'm usually right, and she's usually crazy!.

If you did get your bro to call SS on your mom, then you'd probably both end up parentless foster kids!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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