Does anyone have any idea whats going on in the video for "girls not grey&q!

Question: Does anyone have any idea whats going on in the video for "girls not grey" by afi!?

i have no idea!.!.!.!.

i like it thoughWww@Enter-QA@Com

Here are some theories that some Despair Faction members wrote!. It's kind of long!.

I love that song!. I have to listen that or Miseria Cantare every night before I go to bed!.

edit: I had every AFI song on my iPod but my computer crashed a couple days ago so now I only have the ones that are available on iTunes!.

You have a good taste in music!.
Rise Against, Thursday, and Underoath are great!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I like it too, and I have no idea either!.

I think the little white feather/leave things (I'll just call them feather things) at the end, flying around and the girl disappearing, then the feather things coming out of the guys chest symbolizes something though, I'd have to think about things that could possibly mean!. Was it just me, or did it look like the girl was fighting off the feather things before she disappeared!?
Other than that, I think it's just something that was thought up by a person with a big imagination!.

I'll edit if I think of something sensational(:Www@Enter-QA@Com

Dude!! Good Question!!

I have been wondering the same thing I don't know, but I like that song and that videoWww@Enter-QA@Com

i really don't know!. it is a good video though!. i love AFI!.


IDK that's what i was wondering Www@Enter-QA@Com

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