Genres of Rock/Metal?!

Question: Genres of Rock/Metal!?
It seems that Grunge is dieing out and that Alternative, Nu-Metal,Death and Black Metal are in place!.It just seems that everthing is either too soft or too heavy!.By the Way do you think Glam Metal will Rise again some crazy way also Southern Rock you just don't see Southern Rock anymoreWww@Enter-QA@Com

What seems to have happened is that the generation that grew up around hair-metal, the one that was so relieved when Kurt Cobain put a stake through its heart, has gotten older and the upcoming generation doesn't understand how bad glam-rock and hair-metal were, and (with the advent of iTunes) has gone back to it!.

I don't mind some of the revival in New Wave, like with The Killers, but good lord, ALL 80's METAL STILL SOUNDS THE SAME! Don't care how fast they're playing!. And my God, the stupid sexist lyrics! Just shoot me!

We need another Michael Stipe, another Kurt Cobain, and another Pixies!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yea!.!.its sad!.!.!. i just pray that glam metal doesnt come back!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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