Does anyone else work 7 pm - 7 am shifts for 6 days and then have the following !

Question: If so ... what are you like on your week off?
Do you feel similar to being 'jet-lagged'?

Answers: If so ... what are you like on your week off?
Do you feel similar to being 'jet-lagged'?

thats nothing,try doing 18 hours a day

7 days a week for 6 months

and then 2 weeks off


were talking ARMY

My hubby did at one job and I swear he did have jet-lag or some sort.

my husbnad is a police officer and he work 6 days on and 3 days off .His schedule of off days vary.But he loves it.He is lil jetr lagged the first day but then it wears off by the time I get home form work at 4pm

You must be a firefighter then?!!

No...they let me work the next week too...worked from 8:00 am til 6:00 am the next day on Tuesday...never become a software

It takes awhile to adjust, then it is fantastic. After the week off it takes time to get back into the work schedule...I do save the worn out feeling for the week I work..

I don't work that, but my dad does. He leaves at 4am and doesnt get home till around 6-7pm. Then on Saturday he works at home with his own business. Sunday he takes off, but hes so used to working that he is restless and usually gets up around 6am and does random stuff around the house, watching tv for about an hour or so, but then right back doing stuff. And talking to him isn't fun cause hes worried about the next day, while thinking that if he rests nothing gets done so he goes till about 11-12 at night every day. Its bizarre. And I have no idea what jet-lagged means.

my older sister does 6pm till 6am 7 days she works for P&O and she is so messed up with her sleep on her week off and she is moody as hell
fair play to you for doing those hours

hey, l know exactly how you feel, in my days in the RAF l worked so many different shift patterns, that quite often l didnt know wether l was coming or going, many times they had to ring me and say l was due on the crash line, good job it didnt affect my cricket

no! are you a nurse or something? At least you have your week off to look forward to!

sorry hun, not me, are those the shifts you do?

have a star



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