Who still says Merry Christmas?!

Question: and not happy hollidays

Answers: and not happy hollidays

I do , yet I work In retail , so they bust my chops and tell me not insult anyone ...pathetic

That would be me. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night.

I do.

I say Merry Christmas

I do no matter what.

not me, i try not to assume with strangers so I just say Happy Holidays.

I say Merry Christmas still XP.

Ummm.. I can't remember the last time I tell somebody a Merry Christmas.

I do.

I don't, I say Happy Holidays.

I sure do and am proud of it. Merry Christmas to one and all. It doesn't upset me when someone says a greeting in whatever manor their religion states.

I do

I say Merry Christmas

oh i still say merry christmas
only 5-10% of the population doesn't celebrate christmas

I will as long as I live.Merry Christmas To You And Family. All the best.

Since God is in charge, and I believe in being politcally correct, I say Merry Christmas!

Me, Christ "IS" Christmas.

Merry Christmas

everyone I have heard here in Oregon, including me and my friends and family.

I only say merry Christmas is it was said to me first. i prefer not to offend anyone by assuming.

i use christmas ---
happy holidays can sound like somethign old ppl say.... sometimes
just NOT seasons greetings...!! that annoys me XP
but happy christ mas!


I say Merry Christmas, because that's basically the only Holiday that people look forward to during the holidays.

Merry Christmas .

I do!!! People that don't like it or don't celebrate it can just get over it. I was told happy Hanukkah by a Jewish friend and didn't get offended. I just took it as someone wishing me well because that is what I am doing when I say Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

It depends. If I know the person celebrates it then I say Merry Christmas. I used to live in FL and had Jewish friends who would say Merry Christmas to me and I would say Happy Hannukah to them. I completely understand why larger corporations say Happy Holidays when they have both Jewish and Christian customers. I also understand when smaller shop owners say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah because their customer base is as such. I don't understand why people get so offended by all of this and who is saying what. It puts a damper on the season.

EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say Merry Christmas and if we say Happy Holidays...haven't we forgotten the real reason why we have holidays? why we get together as families? I say Merry Christmas....I will say Merry Christmas NO MATTER WHAT....

Alot of us still say Merry Christmas.. but many of my neighbors have celebrations at this time of year that go by different names...so I wish them happy holidays! most cultures are celebrating the return of light whether it be the sun , or ..jesus the light of the world ,or the candles that did not go out... why don't we all just" lighten up "and celebrate the freedom that we have in this country to be able to enjoy this time of year in our own special ways..and forget about the name we give it.. was it shakespear that said " a rose called by any other name would still smell as sweet"

My husband and I bought new cell phones this evening - the sprint clerk told us Merry Christmas as we left ...we must have look surprised....then she said she feels the saying Happy holidays is politically incorrect. lol

I do

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