If you could be any animal what would you be and why?!

Question: i would be a fox because they are cunning or a gray wolf because they are majestic.

Answers: i would be a fox because they are cunning or a gray wolf because they are majestic.

A seahorse because when they get pregnant, the male seahorse is the one that gives birth. X)

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Like a tiger, or a hawk or something.

A vampire.....

I got done reading the Twilight Series.....

grrrrrrrrrrr.... i have a week left at home and no book to read.

i'd want to be an eagle.. cause it'd be really fun to fly around.. and they are huge birds

A bird, cause you can fly! =]

Lion. Its all about control.

a bird so that I could fly far away from this place

I would be a horse, i have horses myself and they are so beautiful and fun to be around.

a cat...they're cuddly and stuff

a monkey cuz their the smartest and hard to hunt. i will keep of humans as much as i could.

i would be a dolphin cause they are so cute and smart! one day i wanna go swimming with dolphins.

I would be an Eagle, sour the skies, and feed on all the other animals and buzzards!

Besides, the Eagle represents Freedom and Tradition

a flamingo
because they are pretty in pink

I would be a dolphin because I love the way they swim through the water!!!

Is a mermaid an animal? I would be a mermaid, if not a house cat.

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