How DO you get RID of a BAD mood?!

Question: i'm in a foul one

Answers: i'm in a foul one

Hmm, let me think, why not IM me and I'll see what I can do

Take it out on a pillow.

Do something you enjoy?

grip it by the scruff of the neck and throw it out the window


just smile
smiling releases endorphins

listen to music


Eat chocolate until you are almost sick,,,,

paintball your neighbors house.

go to starbucks! yay...feel is way too short to be mad

Have you tried smashing things with a hammer?

have some coffee, listen to some of your favorite music...burn some incense, drive fast...any of those sound good?

Take it out on your slave!

reading the jokes on yahoo answers always cheers me up! there are tons of em, cheer up!

i usually take a nap.
but if i cant take a nap... i meditate
if i can't meditate, i pull out the ps2 and flail around in
Silent Hill.
and if i can't do that! i pass out from anger. and the vicious cycle continues.

I'm in a foul mood as well. I hope my star cheers you up a little.

Turn your frown upside down

:( -------> :)

Cut myself. And i really dont want any1 sendin me a message askin me if i want a suicide hotline number or watevr cuz that really gets annoyin.

go with Chad is like woah.

chill out and I've found when I've apologised to the person I've let my anger out on, it eases the 'angryness' if you know what i mean...Anger is usually bought on by mistakes on both sides, so dont let urself down..



Call my spouse she always knows how to make me smile.

I kick HIM out of the house - then everyones happy

Don't take it out on me!!! xx

Well, I woke up in a bad mood due to a horrible scary dream, and then I have a court date on Friday and the assistant judge called me to say she'd received the letter from my psychiatrist, so I was relieved and I'm scared but it's out of my hands. I just put on some old CD's that were my favorites a long long time ago and now I feel better. Of course I was dancing all over the living room, so I looked like an idiot, but who cares, I had fun. Do something silly. Hug yourself. Talk to a friend. WRITE IN A JOURNAL. If I am angry at someone, I always write them a letter telling them exactly what I think, but I don't send it. That helps too. Hope you feel better.

vigorous exercise while listening to loud music, then a hot shower followed by a cold beer or whatever alcoholic beverage you prefer. Always works for me!

Try not to think about it or do something different to divert your mood into a happy, funny, content mood...or whatever you like...I suggest listening to very sweet SAD SONGS or songs that INSPIRE will help you...whenever I'm in a bad mood (That's almost every time) I just think about my I was then and how different and great my life was...or sometimes listen to Connie Talbot's songs....and cry...because she sings beautifully and it always makes me cry. After all, she's only 6!
I suggest you listen to the song IMAGINE by Connie Talbot. It's nice...or even OVER THE RAINBOW. They are sweet ones and always changes my mood...hope I helped.
Hope you'd like this video! it's sweet and bleak.

Sex will help. If you twist me arm a bit I might volunteer?

its the new moon approaching nothing can be done about it except to have a beer and listen to music

Put on some really loud music, the heavier the better!

Get someone to tell you a joke, like -
why don't gypsies use contraceptives?
Cos they've got crystal balls and can see it coming!


Alright calm yourself you have any pets? I dont know say a rabbit for instance..Give that a quick run out and see if that helps you...

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