If a artist created a song about your life how long would the song be and would !

Question: It depends on which part of my life they write it about. ^_^ I really think, at least, that people could write a tune about *each decade* of my life and still have four different songs.

*lol* ^_^ But that's being evasive. Sorry.

In any case, my song would probably clock in at a solid *four* minutes, not counting extended remixes (which would exist).

And it wouldn't be "popular" or a "bomb". People who are in a certain clique and fans *of* a certain kind of music would like it, buy it, but it would be squarely inside of a niche. For example:

If we're talking about my early life as a teenager, or young man, it would be straddling the fence between *Emo* and *Death Metal*.

If we're talking about the present day, it would likely be an electronic-influenced Metal tune, like something from the band _In Flames_ at best, or like a cheap _Linkin Park_ ripoff at worst....

If we're talking about my cute, cuddly, romantic side....Most likely it would be something like Happy Hardcore--a style of techno with heavy "doofdoofdoof" rhythms and bass, and really *cute* candy-coated Care Bear lyrics. O_O Only it would most likely be influenced by some Tchaikovsky (sp?) as well (you know, the classical musician who wrote "The Nutcracker" tunes).

So yeah, I'd be *too weird* to be popular, and yet too intensely executed to truly bomb. If that makes sense.

Answers: It depends on which part of my life they write it about. ^_^ I really think, at least, that people could write a tune about *each decade* of my life and still have four different songs.

*lol* ^_^ But that's being evasive. Sorry.

In any case, my song would probably clock in at a solid *four* minutes, not counting extended remixes (which would exist).

And it wouldn't be "popular" or a "bomb". People who are in a certain clique and fans *of* a certain kind of music would like it, buy it, but it would be squarely inside of a niche. For example:

If we're talking about my early life as a teenager, or young man, it would be straddling the fence between *Emo* and *Death Metal*.

If we're talking about the present day, it would likely be an electronic-influenced Metal tune, like something from the band _In Flames_ at best, or like a cheap _Linkin Park_ ripoff at worst....

If we're talking about my cute, cuddly, romantic side....Most likely it would be something like Happy Hardcore--a style of techno with heavy "doofdoofdoof" rhythms and bass, and really *cute* candy-coated Care Bear lyrics. O_O Only it would most likely be influenced by some Tchaikovsky (sp?) as well (you know, the classical musician who wrote "The Nutcracker" tunes).

So yeah, I'd be *too weird* to be popular, and yet too intensely executed to truly bomb. If that makes sense.

my life song would be a sad country song twang twang

I think the song would be about 4-5 minutes.
I've been through some obstacles in my life,
which many people can relate to.
So I think it may be popular; just not top 100 or anything.

Interesting question :]

I think they'd call it the new suicide song....except this one is in English, not Hungarian.

it would be inspirational

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