What makes you really happy?!

Question: being alone, away from people:)

Answers: being alone, away from people:)

Weekends, Paydays and when it's 5PM.

Lots of money and lots of love from my boyfriend.

Bob Marley

When I'm away from my parents.

shopping =) excersising

when my boys don't fight with each other . . .

Spending good times with family and friends

when you wake up and look outside and its snowing like crazy. you turn on the news and find out that theres no school=] that always makes my day. theres not much of that anymore here in jersey

The happiness on the faces of my children

cuddles and chocolate

pay day
the weekend
my bf

a good run leaves me satisfied

When the whole family is together.

a good night sleep

Having a meal with my 4 kids all there, and happy.
And having a lot of money, of course :-)

not having to worry about anything and when im surroudned by people im close to and love.

My kids, grandbabies, boyfriend and family.


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