Do you have a dirty little secret?!

Question: yes but only my mom knows

Answers: yes but only my mom knows

Yes but I won't tell you


A have dirty BIG secrets

Yes I do, but can't tell you.

smelly cat LOL

I have a big clean and clever secret, ask me privately :-)


Yes but i cant tell you....Cuz its a dirty secret

No. I have clean little secrets though.

Yeah and only Ashleigh knows..

Maybe ..

don't we all...

oh yeah

Dirty no...FILTHY..yes!! lips are sealed!


More than one...

yes...but its between me and god

Yes, I do.

(It's just a yes or no question, so there you have it.)

Open book here :)

Yes and Shhhhhh!don't tell to everyone about it!!!!!

It's sort of a prerequisite for life isn't it?

Lets face it, we all have some dirty little or big secrets in our closets..

I did.... but it's all clean again now!

Everyone has skeletons in the closet. It just depends how tight the gates are locked.

Yep, Once I was a foul-mouthed, stubborn, arrogant Italian. Ah, crap, I can't believe the secret's out. But I am still Italian. Truth is........I don't. Believe it or not. God is Good....

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