Do you have a notice board in your kitchen?!

Question: Yes, a cork board with all manner of things pinned on it.

Answers: Yes, a cork board with all manner of things pinned on it.

yeah i do, x

Not that you would notice....


yes, but rarely use it!!

I never noticed

Yes but there's nothing current on it, just lots of old photos, receipts and a calender that doesn't have anything written on it!

i use the fridge as a notice board.


NO but i should get one cos no one ever listens to me lol

there wouldn't be one big enough

Yes. I keep all my bills on it.

No.. I have fridge magnets..



I do,not that anyone else notices! :(

Nope but I've got one in my office area

Nope. Useful idea, though!

yes. i live with some room mates. And we have a fridge only.
My notice: The cheese brownies are absolutely mine, sorry girls..

Yes and fridge magnets

Yes, it is a useful memorandom.

My family has a large calendar in the kitchen big enough to write alot of appts and important dates on and to post any other relative messages. We each use a different color of ink to post our stuff so it is easier to notice at a glance our individual commitments.

No I used to buy not anymore.

no honey the skies my limit I just pin them on the clouds x

hi no I don't

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