Do you pay your kids for doing things jobs?!

Question: I'm sure mine rip me off


Answers: I'm sure mine rip me off


Yes, incentive.


i dont have any



Nope, I've got no kids.

They didn't need the $$, I screwed that idea up big time.

No, I gave them enough money for doing nothing!!

LOL I don't have kids but my grandma used to pay me $2 to clean out her pan cubbords. And she payed me in oreos to sweep the front porch :)

Not now, he's 32.

i dont have any kids but if i did i would coz is their responsability...maybe i give them sweets instead of money...

No......My son got an allowance and he had chores, but he didn't get paid for doing his chores .....If he did something outside of his assigned chores, like mowing the lawn, then he got paid for doing that ........

I have tried and it starts off well but then the novelty wears off and they can't be bothered. Now I just make them do stuff ! Bad mother !

i will do when there older, too ikkle at the moment, whats the current hourly pay ? xx

Your so damn cute... I don't care if your questions don't make sense...

She too young at moment i got it comming soon ;o)

Sometimes- like to clean out the car &
help with yard work

No, they live in the house too......they should clean it without being paid. I give them money, but not for chores. Just when I have extra, then they get some.

My parents dont pay me for doing jobs

I give them pocket money each Friday in return for them doing chores around the house. If they have been lazy that week I dock their pocket money.

im 15.
i dont get an allowance and never have.
i get paid only for washing the suv. i do a really good job, it takes me two hours. i get only twenty dollars for it though.
i am expected to put my dishes in the dishwasher, clean my room, and bring my laundry upstairs and put it away after it's been washed. i also have to scrub my bathroom once a month since my mom fired the cleaning lady (she stole somethign)
i dont get paid for any of it.
only pay your kids if they're doing something extra like washing a car or cleaning the kitchen.

I don't pay her money. I pay for her cell phone bill every month.

Of course, you have to or they couldn't afford the rent on their room and have to start sleeping on the sofa. What kind of mom are you anyway?

I just jacked up their rent last month since the price of eggs and milk was killing me. And now they want to start taking the bus to school because I'm charging more for my fuel surcharges. What is it with kids now days???!!!

Yeah; I'm hoping the experience of work-for-money will teach responsibility and financial planning abilities that seem so d*mn important these days (unless you really WANT your kid to have phrases like 'Would you like fries with that?' to become a required part of their work repitoire...

i used to get about 50p for stuff liek polishin just so i could get some sweets :)

when our kids were young we gave them pocket money,, it started off at £5 age 10 and then £10 at age 11-14 then £15 to age 16 if they stayed on at sixth form we gave them £30 but we always bought their clothes and trainers etc this was for things like Cd's etc,, our kids have always muck in t home as i used to work full time and so did their dad

Yes I did (they are grown now). When they started grade school I gave them small chores to do other than keeping their toys pick up and keeping their room neat and tidy. They got an allowance they "Earned" for doing these small chores. The chores didn't get done, they didn't get their allowance. As they grew older their chores became bigger with more responsibility along with a bigger allowance. By the time they reached Middle school, they paid for their own activities outside of school functions, and anything else extra other than school clothes, food I put on the table at home, just extras that I did not furnish in general. This taught them responsibility, and how to handle their money. It also gave them self satisfaction of a job well done and boosted their self esteem.

sometimes i do

By paying your kids, they will not learn to have responsibility and will take it for granted. I do not have kids and as a matter of fact, im only 17. Both my parents work all day and each day when I come home after school, I do most of the cooking, all of the laundry and cleaning. I think my parents deserve to have things done for them around the house because they support me financially in any kind of need I am in. Food, clothing, fun, and any other personal needs. I would be soooooooo embarrased to take money from my parents......I dunno, maybe this is just the way I was raised and taught to be like. I would like to encourage you to teach your children to always be out there to do a good deed for free. Later on they will want money for everything and will be very selfish.

I only have one daughter and she lives with her mum but i give her money whenever i can and i buy most of her clothes take her abroad etc.

the little grandchildren love 'helping and doing jobs'.
I usually give them a couple of quid - they go then - to spend it !!!!!

Yes when he was growing-up. He is now 25 and working on his own and helps me for free.

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