The June 2007 issue of Discover Magazine reported that only 10% of the cells in !

Question: ...are actually your's...The rest are bacteria, fungi, and other my question is...

Shouldn't we be charging them rent?

Answers: ...are actually your's...The rest are bacteria, fungi, and other my question is...

Shouldn't we be charging them rent?

Do not give them any Ideas they may all group together and dicide to evict us.

So are all your questions coming from you or your bacteria, fungi and other's?

Hell yes

Yeah and I am gonna be a slum lord

i think i'm gonna be sick now. Thanks.

Damn straight...and receiving signals!

My question is.........are you constipated? You've sure been reading alot of OLD ISSUES of Discover Magazine lately..

You work in an office, don't you?

Why don't you come on over and rub 10% of your cells onto my body and then we'll decide about the rent.

That is really quite interesting and yucky ' and yes they are going to start paying rent or get some pain lol.

Hit control-alt-delete and start over.

LOL, heck yeah. What is their function, if any? No, don't answer that, I've got to go eat supper now.

*place catnips answer here* and we'll just have a three way.

well.thanks for the info.. now I am off to take a long hot shower and try and scrub those buggers off me

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