Would Obama and Hillary make a good couple?!

Question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMs-p5y6c...

Answers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMs-p5y6c...

OMGOMGOMG!!! That was the most hilarious video I have ever seen! "Hilary" sounds really weird though, like an old lady.

HIlarious Hilarious hilarious. They'd look weird together but in the video it's very funny.


I should hope Obama has better taste than that....lol


i do not know lol...


Omg...that was freaking hilarious..thanks for making my day =D

they seem to already ;)


lol They are perfect for each other.

lets just keep it professional...................

They're both leaders. I don't think one could be second to the other at this point.

A good couple in bed.

oh my goshh...ahem no, they're against each other. besides they're both already married.

Heidi Klum was great for making that video
It was funny I think i heard her say if they do it
he will be vice president. Genius !!!!!

Under Barack Obama Obama Obama Obama EY EY EY

Bill Clinton is gonna be pissed hopefully get in a fight with Obama.

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