Would you be more likely to answer a question if the question asker promised you!

Question: I'm numb to thumbs

f-u-ck, i missed my calling as a poet

Answers: I'm numb to thumbs

f-u-ck, i missed my calling as a poet

Gotta give that a thumbs down

You tease

Yes, I like thumbs down. It makes me feel like a dirty, dirty girl.

I am the Thumbs Up Fairy.

Not really but I seem to be getting lots of them lately. Guess I need a break, I'm slacking.


Ya, 2 free points 4 answering.

I answer the question regardless of a yea thumb or a nay thumb.

up my butt? maybe...if you promised to sniff it afterwards...!

a thumb down......my what ? LOL
I'm opinionated and this place offers me a place to opine.

Nice hat

I think sometimes the question itself promises me a thumbs down- if I answer it. If someone asks about the war or George Dubbya. If someone wonders why everyone can't be christian to avoid the threat of eternal damnation, pro-life questions, why do you eat meat questions...yeah...that all pretty much guarantees me a lot of TDs.

Getting a thumbs down makes me want to die more than chicken.

edit-consider me emotionally dead right now.

I'll will trade you a star for a pass on the thumbs down.

i very rarely recheck my answers so i probably would never know if i got a thumbs down or not.

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