Are we sending our kids the wrong message when we tell them to...?!

Question: Are we sending our kids the wrong message when we tell them to!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.!."Go wait on the corner!."!?!?!?

I said this to my daughter and then thought about what I had just asked her to do!.!.!.I think the bus should pick them up in the middle of the block!. Wouldn't that be safer anyway!?

Note: what does this message mean!?
We are working on some updates -- you may experience some "odd" behavior in the process!.

Does it mean Ashley got a job working for Y!A!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Isn't that what pimps tell their girls!? "Go wait on the corner bioch!"

Odd behavior!? I wouldn't come to Yahoo if it wasn't for odd behavior!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think so!. Wouldn't that be "at the corner!?"!. "on the corner" sounds like that seemingly innocent brown bag lunch contains something other than a peanut butter sandwich and juice pack!. Unless those are the new and hip names for product!. On the other hand you may push her to solicitation!. Which we all know gets you a violation!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No because she would know "wait on the corner" is safety!. Your daughter would get more exposure than hiding in the middle of the block!.

Y!A know some of you still may be having violation issues but the main reason is because they are behind those issues :-)Www@Enter-QA@Com

You mean i didn't have to " go play on the freeway!?"


It sounds like you are trying to make money off your daughter!. Nice!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Your joking!.!.!.right!?

I mean in my neighborhood, this is not a problem!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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