What is a good reason to cheat on a partner?!

Question: What is a good reason to cheat on a partner!?
i think some good reasons would be:

lack of sex
the other person cheating
lack of communication
beating a woman or man
a disrespectful person that dont care about them no more

What would be some good reasons why u would cheat on a bf, gf, husband or spouse!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I know there are no good reasons to cheat on a partner eventhough I have done it myself!. I only did it to see what was the big deal about cheating and I did not find the answer!. I should of left when I found out she did but since I had children, it made it even more difficult for me to leave!. Maybe I am different than most but that is what makes me unique!. If I could do it all over again, I would of filed the papers for divorce and move on with my life!. Maybe I would find someone, maybe I wouldn't but I would not be with someone who lost my trust!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I cheat all the time!. And I would never do it if I had to rationalize it with 'reasons'!.

I just do what I want!. I answer to no one, and no one answers to me!. Period!. Although, I am in a relationship that's lasted
ten years!.!.!. And we're very happy!. So as "different" as my point of view may be, it seems to be working thus far!.!.!.!.

The only "reason" I ever need to cheat is I'm attracted to someone!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I wouldn't say that there is a good reason but most people would cite any of your reasons as an excuse to do so!. ] =Www@Enter-QA@Com

There is no good reason!. If you're not happy for whatever reason, you should just leave!Www@Enter-QA@Com

because the gas tank just doesn't do it for me anymore!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

if your partner talks to your best friend!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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