Does playing hard to get really work ladies?!

Question: Does playing hard to get really work ladies!?
my boyfriend of 3 years really gets to me in a bad way
he acts like he is in control of this relationship IT SEEMS
im not sure
but he acts like everything is fine and he doesnt care

does playing hard to get work!?
thanks for all answers
and 10 points for bestWww@Enter-QA@Com

Sometimes it does!.
It really depends on the situation!.
It usually tends to work if you're trying
to get a guy to notice you more,
because then they want more!.
Although, since your bf doesn't seem to care much,
then it might not work, since in order to pull off playing hard to get you have to have a guy that wants to have more!.!.!.
so I don't know!.
Try it for awhile!.!.!.
see what happens

if after 3 years you have to play power games, i think that is not a good sign!.

playing hard to get is a little silly, but if you are too available, you look like a loser!. i say be yourself, have a full life and then you aren't playing hard to get, you are just busy with your own stuff!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Playing hard to get does not work!. Who has the time for it!?
If you like me, just let me know!. It'll save both of us from a whole lot of stupid games!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Most of the time, but it really depends on the guy!. like if the guy is shy--playing hard to get is just gonna scare them away!.!.!.Good Luck!! =)Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think at first but once you are commited then it's just playng games and it's not attractive!.


not for me!. I hate girls who play games!. Life's to short for all that !.Www@Enter-QA@Com

majority of the time yesWww@Enter-QA@Com

im sexy!. are you!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

i jog naked at nightWww@Enter-QA@Com

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