Survey anyone else experiencing that the appliances and the animals are talking !

Question: Survey anyone else experiencing that the appliances and the animals are talking badly about you today!?
The animals are being nice!. Conservative moms are giving me hell thoughWww@Enter-QA@Com

so glad to know i am not the only one!.
i have almost every day and lately i think my microwave is going to kill me!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Especially the TV!.

Wait, my name isn't Sarah Palin!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

im already under the weather it cant get any worseWww@Enter-QA@Com

I think my cat got on her computer and was e-mailing all her cat friends about me!.

you've done lost your mind!.!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I ignore them, I don't care what they have to say!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes but Nursy is going to turn up with my meds soon!Www@Enter-QA@Com

ok!.!.!.!. ehen they let u outWww@Enter-QA@Com

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