When will Limbaugh finally be shut down and shut up?!

Question: It's long past due folks

Answers: It's long past due folks
Yeah I agree, he makes Bill O'Reilly look like a liberal. You know what angers me the most about him was how hard he used to come down on drug users calling for legislators to toughen laws to put away drug users, all the while he was so hopped on Oxycontin he temporarily went deaf.
What a hypocrite! Unfortunately he has enough of a like-minded fan base to keep going. Too bad.
Long live ba ba booey.
When he dies....even his drug addiction story didn't put him down...he's like taxes and death...inevitable....
Around the same time that the 1st Amendment is rescinded, or George Clooney actually carries out his promise to move to Canada if George Bush was elected.
The sooner the better!
When life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness are gone from America ..Over 13 million listeners a week choose Rush Limbaugh . Fortunately , there is still a choice ..and a dial ..for those who choose something else .
...And then there are those who can't get over the fact that he had a problem that he was able to overcome ..just like Betty Ford.. but hollywood elitists can keep proping up repeat offender Charlie Sheen and plastering him on TV and nobody cares because his intelligence is no threat to them..tsk tsk .

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