Do I need qualifications past GCSE's for scriptwriting?!


Do I need qualifications past GCSE's for scriptwriting?

My ambition is to be a scriptwriter in comedy, mainly sitcoms. Do I need higher qualifications that GCSE's to be able to do this successfully? I have many ideas but I'm just concerned that these won't be considered if I don't have sufficient qualifications. Also, are there any tips anyone could give me concerning this? Ultimately, I would like to get into performing my own material.


The only qualifications you need to have are unique story ideas and a strong execution of those ideas in the actual scripts. In Hollywood, you don't need a degree to succeed on the creative side of things (ie writers, directors, actors, etc). It really depends on the material you bring to the table (if it's cutting edge or if its a variation on something that's making a lot of money right now) and also who you know. Who you know gets you in the door with agents and producers for pitch meetings to get your scripts made.

It helps if, in addition to your own scripts, you create a spec script (a sample episode of a current show on television) to show the executives what you can do with an already existing formula. It helps them get an idea for the genre you write, as well as neutralizes the hundreds of submissions they get everyday.

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